Monday, 13 February 2012

Seasons Greetings to 2012

Hi followers, I know its been a while since we've seen each other.... and alot things have changed. #thinking#
As the year has started i want us all to have possitive feeling towards this new years....

I walked around in the bush this morning thinking about stuff that we can help to improve the conservation of nature, seeing the abundance of the things that we think they do not mean or make any impact in our lives really made me cry, i know you probably thinking "can a guy really cry for nature?", but yes i guy can do that, bearing in mind the beauty that we not going to have in the future for our children, great-great grandchildren..... think about it....

Well let me stop mourning and tell you dreams to achieve this year....
The rest of last year i've been planning and i told myself that this my year and my time to put all my plans into implementation. I mean we all have dreams right.... "you have to dream in order to live", well atleast i have a phrase to refer to when i want to take myself up. 

I had a dream i had a documentary to make, well thats all i'm gonna say for now.... I continue tell you more on my next post.

Happy new years.