Friday, 21 September 2012

Season "Spring" Greeting...

First of all I would like to welcome the new season "Spring", I know of yall might be thinking to yourselve's "but Edge don't you think you a bit late to say that?" well some of you might know the answer to that but to those who don't I like like to say "not on my watch" #laughin out loud#. "EDGE IS NEVER LATE AND EVEN CHUCK NORRIS KNOWS THAT!"

Anyway that is not the reason why I'm back, the real reson why I'm back is.... #Thinking#.... Anyway that is not important as well. The important thing that I need to talk to you about is the things and madness that goes around during "SPRING", a friend of mine told me that is not "SPRING" but its "thee SPRING", I know you still trying to figure out what I'm on about but to be quite honest with you, I also don't know what I'm on about.... #laughing even more louder#

RIGHT! moving along.... I'm gonna try to sound serious now, I don't know if you realized this but Edge is trying to take a different angle regarding this blog so that it can be fascinating. Its a new season and we expect to see and read new things, a lot has happened the couple of months (bad or good) but keep this in mind, you are human and you the only 1 who can change whatever situation you are in, I mean you have to hands, 2 eyes, feet and ears... "Be the change you want to be"  (Mahatna Gahndi)....

I want to lastly take this opportunity to thank everyone who take their to read and comment on my blog even in their toughest and busiest schedules. 

                                                 "your are FANTASTIC" 


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Something New

I want to take this moment to talk to my readers about something of a different angle.... I have in and out of various blogs and I was attached to this other one, I sat down and read for couple of hours but really it was intizing.

I mean I never thought I'd spend so much time reading about stuff that doe not even involve my country but yeah I did... I know there is alot of thing happenning in our country but you better be sure that we are in the most safest country and most accommodating.

We all know we might have political issues, poverty and other stuff in our country but we trying. In all the african countries South Africa is by far the best in taking care of the economy and the people.

I would further more like to state than even if we cannot compare ourselves with the American state I want you all to have it in yourselves that we are doing well. We have a reach history behind us that we do not even want to go back to but I mean if we look carefully our history makes us who we are today.... Do you think if it wasn't for our history we would be the country that we are at the moment? Do you think having to reflect on what we went through in past would result to repeatition of what was happening in the past? My answer is No!

We look back on the past to do better not to spite people or for repeatition. History makes us rich, it makes us proud if we take a look at the kind of people we are at the present moment.

WORD OF ADVICE: Look back at the past and say "yes but I made a change"

Thank you, until we meet again.


A New Day

Hi again friends, hope you all had a beautiful sleep because you all deserve that... Now lets get down to to the reasn I'm here today. Now have you ever woke up in the morning and thought "wow! now is'nt the world great?", well it doesn't matter if you haven't because it has happened to me *laughing out loud*. You know I had to bring that one up, I mean you just woke and I'm definately sure you needed some amusement...

I took a walk this morning and saw alot of beautiful things about nature that people hardly ever notice, I saw trees, birds, grasses, rock and soil then I was like Wow! are we not lucky as humans to have things like this to be part of the earth's decoration? We are very lucky, so why do we want to kill all this?

Moreover, as humans we need to be respected right? I mean you are more than welcome to write back if you disagree with this statement. Give respect to get one back, we learnt at Math class that what you do on the left hand side should also be applied on the right hand side, well that what I learnt because I went to school not that I'm trying to be rude or anything.

Anyway as I was saying, lets respect nature, lets try to preserve our nature for our children to find it in their times, for our great-grand children to also have this priveledge....why are doing this to ourselves? why are we throwing cigarretes buds everywhere, why don't you keep that chocolate wrap in your pocket so that you can put it in a suitable place? How would you feel if I come your house and dump all the trash in your yard?

Moving-on, as I was taking a walk I took time to pick up piece of papers that I came across and empty bottles, well atleast I'm doing something what about you?
What I'm trying to emphasise is that if we can do this together we can still save this world, what do you think? I've done it so what stopping you?

 Moral of the story is that "UNITED WE STAND BUT DEVIDED WE WILL FALL"

Hope you can take my advises and help fight people polluting the earth for our nature to be beautiful.

Lets speak later, you know where to find me.

Blogspot address:


Monday, 9 July 2012

The Experiences

Hi friends, yes yes yes, I know its been a long time but I've been busy thinking and making some experiences so that I can tell you all about them. Well if you think you know whats been happening in this guy's life just wait until you read the next paragraph...

So before I start telling you about me I just want to find out on how yall been doing, I just hope been good since I am not getting any response, well you knw what they say "silence means concern".

Right lets get down to business... There's appaarently alot of thing happening and that has happend, a few changes in career and the lifestyle but I'm going to tell you about that one later on for now lets talk about something else.

First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank the one who is above us all for being with us from the time of our birth till now, for the beautiful world we are living in and nature and its existence...*laugh ou loud* I had to bring that one up, but never mind. The most important thing is that we have to wake up everyday and thank Him for giving us another.

I wanted to take this time and speak to you all about nature and whats happening to it lately then I came across a very interesting quote that I want to share with you today.... but before I want to tell you why I brought it up. We take our time putting trust in people, we think they would do the same by maintaining that but nah....

Wait I have to go now, we will continue some other time....

P.S Stone-Edge 

Monday, 13 February 2012

Seasons Greetings to 2012

Hi followers, I know its been a while since we've seen each other.... and alot things have changed. #thinking#
As the year has started i want us all to have possitive feeling towards this new years....

I walked around in the bush this morning thinking about stuff that we can help to improve the conservation of nature, seeing the abundance of the things that we think they do not mean or make any impact in our lives really made me cry, i know you probably thinking "can a guy really cry for nature?", but yes i guy can do that, bearing in mind the beauty that we not going to have in the future for our children, great-great grandchildren..... think about it....

Well let me stop mourning and tell you dreams to achieve this year....
The rest of last year i've been planning and i told myself that this my year and my time to put all my plans into implementation. I mean we all have dreams right.... "you have to dream in order to live", well atleast i have a phrase to refer to when i want to take myself up. 

I had a dream i had a documentary to make, well thats all i'm gonna say for now.... I continue tell you more on my next post.

Happy new years.